Letter to UNESCO on Király utca 25., 27., 29.

Dear Madam, 
I am writing on behalf of ÓVÁS! Association in Budapest, as one of the two  co-presidents of this group. We would like to remind you to the still unsolved of case of 3 buildings in the 7th district: Király utca 25., 27., 29. 

The Prime Minister’s Office, headed by Gergely Gulyás, is also responsible for the protection of historical monuments, as the Deputy State Secretariat for Architecture and Heritage Protection. Earlier this year they approved the purchase of the listed apartment building at 27 Király utca following an application – handed in on the same day, 31 August – by Sunbelt Property Real Estate Distribution Ltd.

Two years ago a contrary decision was made by Mr Gulyás about the same, almost 190-year-old building.  He then stated that the building should not be sold „because together with the neighbouring buildings, in the hands of one owner, it would form a „large real estate structure” that obviously could not be used without „significant interference” in the protected buildings.” (quotes from an article by 24.hu new site) Mr. Gulyás’s statement from September 2021 does not explain why the official position has suddenly changed.

The local council of district 7 – we believe – still has no intention of selling the property. There is a lawsuit between them and a company, which is claiming damages (10 billion Huf) for the cancelled sale of the buildings. 

According to the above quoted article by 24.hu the two companies claim that the previous leadership of District VII, headed by the then mayor Zsolt Vattamány (Fidesz party), who has since been appointed head of the government office, was committed to handing over the properties before the 2019 municipal elections. This did not happen. 

The current mayor Péter Niedermüller (opposition to Hungary’s current government ) of the district claims that the deal was not included in the post-election transfer of ownership. They consider the sales contract of these building, which dates back  to the scandals of a former mayor, György Hunvald’s mayoralty, as invalid. (an article from January this year:

Please find a description (in English and French) of the buildings we believe are at risk on Király utca (Király Street).

Gabriella Horn
Association ÓVÁS!